P. Joseph Montana
192 North York Street
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
I have been a partner of the law firm of Montana & Welch, LLC since 2014. My main concentration of practice is all aspects of municipal, finance and election law. I represent a wide variety of local governmental entities, including municipalities, park and school districts as well as township and fire protection districts. I have extensive experience in the area of economic development, zoning, annexation, land use, real estate and tax increment finance.
I counsel municipal entities in areas pertaining to the daily operation of local government, labor and employment matters and the drafting of legislation. I have assisted in the creation of innovative programs to assist communities in their efforts to restructure services to increase productivity and implement cost effective techniques. I regularly assist communities in their efforts to expand and diversify their tax base by undertaking comprehensive redevelopment efforts.
I currently serve as village attorney to several units of local government within the metropolitan area and has served as both corporation counsel and assistant corporation counsel to a number of municipalities in the region. I also serve as special counsel to several units of local government throughout the State of Illinois. I also am the author of a number of articles addressing land use law issues and municipal practices. I am very active within his community and has served on his local township board.
DePaul University, College of Law, J.D.
American University – Bachelors Public Administration
Professional Affilliations
DuPage County Bar Association
Illinois Municipal League
Illinois State Bar Association